North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 1119
This industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in growing crops, such as tobacco, peanuts, sugarbeets, cotton, sugar-cane, hay, agave, herbs and spices, mint, hops, and hay and grass seeds. Combination crop farming and the gathering of maple sap are included in this industry group
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing tobacco.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing cotton.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing sugar cane.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing hay, grasses and mixed hay.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in growing crops, such as peanuts, sugarbeets, agave, hay and grass seeds, herbs and spices, hops and algae, and gathering tea and maple sap. Establishments primarily engaged in general crop farming or combination crop farming, such as combination fruit and vegetable farming, are also included in this industry.
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