Other animal production

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 1129

This industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in raising animals, such as bees, horses and other equines, rabbits and other fur-bearing animals, llamas, deer, worms, crickets, laboratory animals and companion animals, for example dogs, cats, pet birds and other pets. The production of animal products, such as honey and other bee products, are also included. Establishments primarily engaged in raising a combination of animals, with no one predominating, are also included in this industry group

11291 · Apiculture
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising bees, collecting and gathering honey, and performing other apiculture activities.

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11292 · Horse and other equine production
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising horses, mules, donkeys and other equines.

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11293 · Fur-bearing animal and rabbit production
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in raising fur-bearing animals, including rabbits.

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11299 · All other animal production
0 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in raising animals, such as llamas, bison, wild boar, deer, elk, worms, crickets, laboratory animals and companion animals, for example dogs, cats, pet birds and other pets. Establishments primarily engaged in raising a combination of animals, with no one predominating, are also included in this industry.

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