Plastics and rubber products manufacturing

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 326

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in making goods by processing raw rubber and plastics materials. Rubber and plastics-based activities are combined in the same subsector because the technical properties of these polymers are related. Generally, establishments classified in this subsector manufacture products made of just one material, rubber or plastics, with the major exception of tire manufacturing

3261 · Plastic product manufacturing
2 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing intermediate or final products from plastics resins, using such processes as compression moulding, extrusion moulding, injection moulding, blow moulding and casting. The production process in most of these industries is such that a wide variety of products can be produced. The plastics resins used by these establishments may be new or recycled.

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3262 · Rubber product manufacturing
0 Jobs

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in processing natural, synthetic or reclaimed rubber materials into intermediate or final products using such processes as vulcanizing, cementing, moulding, extruding and lathe-cutting.

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