North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 327
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing non-metallic mineral products. These establishments cut, grind, shape and finish granite, marble, limestone, slate and other stone; mix non-metallic minerals with chemicals and other additives; and heat non-metallic mineral preparations to make products, such as bricks, refractories, ceramic products, cement and glass.
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pottery, ceramic and structural clay products.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass and glass products.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hydraulic cement, ready-mix concrete, concrete bricks, pipes and blocks, and other concrete products.
Learn More Browse 2 Jobs Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing lime and gypsum products.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in manufacturing non-metallic mineral products.
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