
We are pleased to provide occupational demand projections as well as sector demand projections for the Peterborough area.

Occupational Demand Projections

Below you will find occupational demand projections for the Peterborough area. The occupations are ranked based on the total projected growth between 2024 and 2029, and for each year, the numbers represent the projected number of people working in each occupation.

The occupations and their preceding five digit code are based on Employment and Social Development Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 system. The NOC 2021 system consists of 516 unit groups which capture every occupation in the economy.

To learn more about occupational codes and the NOC system, please visit, Government of Canada – NOC.

Data Source: Lightcast

Sector Demand Projections

Below you will find sector demand projections for the Peterborough area. The sectors are ranked based on the total projected growth between 2024 and 2029, and for each year, the numbers represent the projected number of people working in each sector.

The sectors and their preceding two digit code are based on Statistics Canada’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). At the highest level of the hierarchal structure, the NAICS system divides the economy into 20 sectors.

To learn more about industry codes and the NAICS system, please visit, Statistics Canada – NAICS.

Data Source: Lightcast

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